Cancel Application:
You can cancel your in-progress credential evaluation by logging in to your My Account and sending a request to Customer Service. A $54 cancellation fee will apply. You cannot cancel your report once it is complete.
Delete Account:
Protecting your privacy and the security of your data are top priorities at WES. That is why we offer the Right to Be Forgotten. This means that anyone who has visited our website, or used our tools and services, can request a complete erasure from our database. This can be achieved by logging into My Account (as long as your balance is paid in full).
If you have applied for a credential evaluation, this will cancel your report (and cancellation fees will apply). However, this is not the recommended path to cancel your in-progress report. That's because you will lose access to My Account. You will not be able to access your records, upgrade your report, or order extra copies in the future. If you require further services from World Education Services, you will need to create a new account and re-send any academic documents that we have on file today.
Our Recommendation:
We suggest that only exercise your Right to Be Forgotten if you have concerns about your data and security. Otherwise, we recommend that you cancel your in-progress application by contacting Customer Service. This way, you will retain access to all of your records in My Account. We will preserve copies of your academic documents, making it easier to pursue an equivalency report in the future.